Hearing and the Onset of Dementia

  Q: I have a parent in a nursing home suffering from dementia. I heard somewhere that using a hearing can slow the progress, is this true?   A: In 1989 a group of 5 physicians underwent a study that correlated hearing loss to various forms of dementia, (Uhlmann, R....

Remote Microphones

  Question: (N. D’Alessandro – Stoney Creek) I read about the loop systems, but what if I go somewhere where they don’t have a loop system installed, but I need to hear someone speaking from a podium or at a table? Is there anything that can help in a situation like...

Telecoils and Loop Systems

  Q: I was at church and it is equipped with something called a “loop system” which is supposed to work with my hearing aids, but I can’t figure out how to get it to work. Can it be set up for my church?   A: It seems like the technology in the hearing aid business...

The Educated Patient – Research What You Need

  No Question to answer this time – I will get to them, but I want to make a point with a story of my own. I joined a health club, L. A. Fitness, to be exact. But I didn’t jump into it; I began doing the research over a year ago. Some will say that I was putting it...

To Swim or Not To Swim

  Q: I’ve heard a lot about waterproof hearing aids lately, is this important feature to look for? Are all waterproof hearing aids completely waterproof?   A: This question came from a client who swims a lot, particularly when she is down south in Florida. It’s an...