
Call: 905-237-7355 FollowFollow Book a Hearing Assessment Location Pinnacle Hearing Centre 205 Don Head Village Blvd. Unit 3 Richmond Hill, ON L4C 7R3 Phone: (905) 237-7355 Fax: (905) 237-7359 e-mail: [email protected]   Search for: Recent Posts...

For Audiophiles and Music Lovers

Call: 905-237-7355 FollowFollow Book a Hearing Assessment For Audiophiles and Music Lovers Recently we had a client who came to us from a now defunct clinic. He is retired now, but in his former life he was a secondary school teacher; specifically, a music teacher. He...

Contact Us

Location Pinnacle Hearing Centre is part of the Pinnacle Health Sciences Centre, beside the Shoppers Drug Mart located on Younge street just north of Weldrick Road in Richmond Hill. Our address is: 9651 Yonge St, Richmond HillOntario L4C 1V7 Telephone: (905) 237 7355...

Hearing Aids

Unlike many of our competitors, Pinnacle Hearing Centre is proudly independent of any manufacturers. Each of the many manufacturers have many options to help you hear better; our job is to gather information from you and use that to help you choose which of the...

About Us

Why We Do What We Do Verbal communication is the key to our very existence, and is the one thing that separates us from every other species on earth. The sense of hearing is the key to this communication and it is our goal to give everyone who darkens our...