


  History The founder of Beltone, Sam Posen, first designed a hearing aid in 1930 to help a friend get more enjoyment in life. Ten years later he incorporated the company as Beltone and began researching how to better assist those in need of amplification. They have...

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Hearing Aids

Unlike many of our competitors, Pinnacle Hearing Centre is proudly independent of any manufacturers. Each of the many manufacturers have many options to help you hear better; our job is to gather information from you and use that to help you choose which of the...

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About Us

Why We Do What We Do Verbal communication is the key to our very existence, and is the one thing that separates us from every other species on earth. The sense of hearing is the key to this communication and it is our goal to give everyone who darkens our...

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Improve the quality of your life by improving the quality of your hearing. Book a free, no-obligation hearing test today.