Lyric Hearing Aid

  Q: Is there anything new with the Lyric? I was interested but it didn’t quite work for my hearing loss. Also what advantage is there in wearing the Lyric instead of a custom or post-auricular type?   A: Indeed the research team that are doing the ongoing study of...

What Should I Look For In a Hearing Aid

  Question: I’m retired, is it really necessary to spend a lot of money on hearing aids now that I don’t have to worry about hearing at work?   Answer: This is a question I get all the time, although I wonder, sometimes about the person’s motivation for asking it. I...

Relatively Speaking

  Q: I think my father/mother/spouse/relative, may have some hearing loss, but they refuse to get it tested, and I’m tired of bugging them to do something about it. Any suggestions?   A: This is an age old problem, one of those problems that we deal with on a daily...

What You Can’t See Can Help You

  Q: The more I look, the more I see, (or just barely see), people wearing the small, behind-the-ear hearing aids. I could probably get my mother to wear them if they would work for her, but she has been told they wouldn’t. Are there any that might?   The popularity...

I’m Back!

  It has been while since I’ve been in, but I’m back now and I have to think about things that I used to do almost automatically. When I sat down to do a hearing test I had to, if only for a second, think about what I needed to do first. When I was preparing paperwork...

Hearing Aids and Weather

  Q: Lately my hearing aids keep cutting in and out, why is that happening, and is there something I can do to stop it?   A: This is a question we’ve been getting a lot lately, and it is a common question during summer months, or if people live where it’s hot and/or...